Art Auction & World Views

February 08, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

     I stepped out last Thursday evening  in the rain to see my friend's donated art auctioned off for a good cause... to raise monies for the Securing Our Safety (SOS) committee that is valiantly trying for the 3rd or 4th time to get a local safety levy passed in Josephine County. I will bypass the history and politics of the levy but will say that it was great fun to see how the auction went for the artists, some of whom I know very well.  

My friend Marcia did a lovely small framed image of maple leaves and seeds lit by a  light box.. and she was happy that it found an owner.  

Before her image came up, 2 very nice matted prints from Gene Rimmer did extremely well , probably going for more than he would usually be able to sell them for in this area... Gene is an all around photographer, lately challenging himself with photos of women willing to model for him.  

There were 4 donated metal prints at this auction, one quite large of Street Art in Antalya, all very colorful, by a K.David Smith.  .  I took the time to find his site online as a potential judge for our camera club  and discovered that he is into researching the clash of world viewpoints, East v. West that has been going on for centuries but had a crucial turning point in the 8th century ( read his Sept. 2nd, 2014 blog entry The Islamic State- the original vs. ISIS ) Much of this research, including a 2014 trip to Turkey,  is focused on writing a 1st historical fiction novel but I found his thoughtful evaluation of the background information very interesting and am glad that someone is trying to have an informed, cohesive, and balanced  view of what we are facing in the Middle East. 

So there you go, from the local to the global , a journey through the centuries triggered by a little art auction.



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